1. Termos
Ao acessar ao site Microfly, concorda em cumprir estes termos de serviço, todas as leis e regulamentos aplicáveis e concorda que é responsável pelo cumprimento de todas as leis locais aplicáveis. Se você não concordar com algum desses termos, está proibido de usar ou acessar este site. Os materiais contidos neste site são protegidos pelas leis de direitos autorais e marcas comerciais aplicáveis.
2. Uso de Licença
É concedida permissão para baixar temporariamente uma cópia dos materiais (informações ou software) no site Microfly , apenas para visualização transitória pessoal e não comercial. Esta é a concessão de uma licença, não uma transferência de título e, sob esta licença, você não pode:
modificar ou copiar os materiais;
usar os materiais para qualquer finalidade comercial ou para exibição pública (comercial ou não comercial);
tentar descompilar ou fazer engenharia reversa de qualquer software contido no site Microfly;
remover quaisquer direitos autorais ou outras notações de propriedade dos materiais; ou
transferir os materiais para outra pessoa ou 'espelhe' os materiais em qualquer outro servidor.
Esta licença será automaticamente rescindida se você violar alguma dessas restrições e poderá ser rescindida por Microfly a qualquer momento. Ao encerrar a visualização desses materiais ou após o término desta licença, você deve apagar todos os materiais baixados em sua posse, seja em formato eletrónico ou impresso.
3. Isenção de responsabilidade
Os materiais no site da Microfly são fornecidos 'como estão'. Microfly não oferece garantias, expressas ou implícitas, e, por este meio, isenta e nega todas as outras garantias, incluindo, sem limitação, garantias implícitas ou condições de comercialização, adequação a um fim específico ou não violação de propriedade intelectual ou outra violação de direitos.
Além disso, o Microfly não garante ou faz qualquer representação relativa à precisão, aos resultados prováveis ou à confiabilidade do uso dos materiais em seu site ou de outra forma relacionado a esses materiais ou em sites vinculados a este site.
4. Limitações
Em nenhum caso o Microfly ou seus fornecedores serão responsáveis por quaisquer danos (incluindo, sem limitação, danos por perda de dados ou lucro ou devido a interrupção dos negócios) decorrentes do uso ou da incapacidade de usar os materiais em Microfly, mesmo que Microfly ou um representante autorizado da Microfly tenha sido notificado oralmente ou por escrito da possibilidade de tais danos. Como algumas jurisdições não permitem limitações em garantias implícitas, ou limitações de responsabilidade por danos conseqüentes ou incidentais, essas limitações podem não se aplicar a você.
5. Precisão dos materiais
Os materiais exibidos no site da Microfly podem incluir erros técnicos, tipográficos ou fotográficos. Microfly não garante que qualquer material em seu site seja preciso, completo ou atual. Microfly pode fazer alterações nos materiais contidos em seu site a qualquer momento, sem aviso prévio. No entanto, Microfly não se compromete a atualizar os materiais.
6. Links
A Microfly não analisou todos os sites vinculados ao seu site e não é responsável pelo conteúdo de nenhum site vinculado. A inclusão de qualquer link não implica endosso por Microfly do site. O uso de qualquer site vinculado é por conta e risco do usuário.
A Microfly pode revisar estes termos de serviço do site a qualquer momento, sem aviso prévio. Ao usar este site, você concorda em ficar vinculado à versão atual desses termos de serviço.
Lei aplicável
Estes termos e condições são regidos e interpretados de acordo com as leis do Microfly e você se submete irrevogavelmente à jurisdição exclusiva dos tribunais naquele estado ou localidade.
No! This is a process that must be carried out by your company for your safety. All information must be confidential and we will only ask at an opportune moment to place us as technically responsible so that we can operate the information. Registro.br
You will have direct contact with the person responsible for the Creation and Design team, responsible for the development team and the complete process of your website. We have access via Teams, Telephone and Whatsapp .
Yes, our website development and creation process is optimized based on the good practices required by Google for indexing in its tool. The website does not appear on the first page of searches right away, as this work is made up of a series of SEO factors that over time will take you to the best positions.
Our website development process works as follows: After the commercial agreement: design briefing, creation of a template for visual approval of the project, sending company information, 1st stage of development, publication on our link for the first review , implementation of the review, submission for the second review, implementation of the second review, customer approval, verification of minimum hosting characteristics, publication of the project on your domain, dissemination and indexing in search engines,
In fact, we chose WIXSTUDIO hosting, where payments are made directly to Wix servers. Having very affordable monthly plan options, starting at just R$30.00, to keep your website running smoothly.
We do not charge a monthly fee for websites created by Microfly. The amounts you must pay monthly refer to website hosting directly to the supplier. Maintenance is charged on-demand, that is, only when necessary and when requested by you.
You must have information such as: Company logo in high resolution, text content and images referring to the products and services offered. With the context of the company and business sector, we reformulate titles and paragraphs to fit search engines (SEO).
In the first month, domain registration will cost R$40.00, this amount will only be charged once a year, in addition to R$30.00* for hosting. Thus, totaling R$70.00 in the first month and, in the following months, only R$30.00*.
From the website's conception, we mold it to organic traffic using keywords and SEO (Search engine optimization), leaving your website fully online and organically active. For those who want paid traffic, all websites created come with tags such as Tag manager, Google ADS and Google Analytics.
Yes, all projects developed by Microfly follow this responsive starting point. Google penalizes sites that don't serve well across all devices. so don't worry! Our projects come out of the oven ready to obtain the best performance in search engines.
No! This is a process that must be carried out by your company for your safety. All information must be confidential and we will only ask at an opportune moment to place us as technically responsible so that we can operate the information. Registro.br
You will have direct contact with the person responsible for the Creation and Design team, responsible for the development team and the complete process of your website. We have access via Teams, Telephone and Whatsapp .
Yes, our website development and creation process is optimized based on the good practices required by Google for indexing in its tool. The website does not appear on the first page of searches right away, as this work is made up of a series of SEO factors that over time will take you to the best positions.
Our website development process works as follows: After the commercial agreement: design briefing, creation of a template for visual approval of the project, sending company information, 1st stage of development, publication on our link for the first review , implementation of the review, submission for the second review, implementation of the second review, customer approval, verification of minimum hosting characteristics, publication of the project on your domain, dissemination and indexing in search engines,
In fact, we chose WIXSTUDIO hosting, where payments are made directly to Wix servers. Having very affordable monthly plan options, starting at just R$30.00, to keep your website running smoothly.
We do not charge a monthly fee for websites created by Microfly. The amounts you must pay monthly refer to website hosting directly to the supplier. Maintenance is charged on-demand, that is, only when necessary and when requested by you.
You must have information such as: Company logo in high resolution, text content and images referring to the products and services offered. With the context of the company and business sector, we reformulate titles and paragraphs to fit search engines (SEO).
In the first month, domain registration will cost R$40.00, this amount will only be charged once a year, in addition to R$30.00* for hosting. Thus, totaling R$70.00 in the first month and, in the following months, only R$30.00*.
From the website's conception, we mold it to organic traffic using keywords and SEO (Search engine optimization), leaving your website fully online and organically active. For those who want paid traffic, all websites created come with tags such as Tag manager, Google ADS and Google Analytics.
Yes, all projects developed by Microfly follow this responsive starting point. Google penalizes sites that don't serve well across all devices. so don't worry! Our projects come out of the oven ready to obtain the best performance in search engines.
+55 (11) 97763-5793
550 R. Franklin do Amaral
São Paulo, SP 02479-000
© 2024 by Microfly. Todos os direitos reservados.
+55 (11) 97763-5793
550 R. Franklin do Amaral
São Paulo, SP 02479-000
© 2024 by Microfly. Todos os direitos reservados.
No! This is a process that must be carried out by your company for your safety. All information must be confidential and we will only ask at an opportune moment to place us as technically responsible so that we can operate the information. Registro.br
You will have direct contact with the person responsible for the Creation and Design team, responsible for the development team and the complete process of your website. We have access via Teams, Telephone and Whatsapp .
Yes, our website development and creation process is optimized based on the good practices required by Google for indexing in its tool. The website does not appear on the first page of searches right away, as this work is made up of a series of SEO factors that over time will take you to the best positions.
Our website development process works as follows: After the commercial agreement: design briefing, creation of a template for visual approval of the project, sending company information, 1st stage of development, publication on our link for the first review , implementation of the review, submission for the second review, implementation of the second review, customer approval, verification of minimum hosting characteristics, publication of the project on your domain, dissemination and indexing in search engines,
In fact, we chose WIXSTUDIO hosting, where payments are made directly to Wix servers. Having very affordable monthly plan options, starting at just R$30.00, to keep your website running smoothly.
We do not charge a monthly fee for websites created by Microfly. The amounts you must pay monthly refer to website hosting directly to the supplier. Maintenance is charged on-demand, that is, only when necessary and when requested by you.
You must have information such as: Company logo in high resolution, text content and images referring to the products and services offered. With the context of the company and business sector, we reformulate titles and paragraphs to fit search engines (SEO).
In the first month, domain registration will cost R$40.00, this amount will only be charged once a year, in addition to R$30.00* for hosting. Thus, totaling R$70.00 in the first month and, in the following months, only R$30.00*.
From the website's conception, we mold it to organic traffic using keywords and SEO (Search engine optimization), leaving your website fully online and organically active. For those who want paid traffic, all websites created come with tags such as Tag manager, Google ADS and Google Analytics.
Yes, all projects developed by Microfly follow this responsive starting point. Google penalizes sites that don't serve well across all devices. so don't worry! Our projects come out of the oven ready to obtain the best performance in search engines.